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Mechanisms of Evolution

Beyond Darwin and Neo-Darwinism

Item links

General Mechanisms »» Biological Evolution »» Beyond Darwin and Neo-Darwinism »» Punctuated equilibria »» The modern synthesis »» Basic mechanisms of evolution »» Speciation »» Genetic drift »» Gene flow »» Mutation »» Natural selection »» Horizontal Gene Transfer »» Conjugation »» Transduction »» Transformation »» Non-disjunction »» Genetic Mechanisms : Molecular Genetics »» Important features of the genome and proteome »» Conserved & Consensus »» cooption »» Deletion »» Duplication »» exaptation »» Frameshift »» Insertion »» Inversion »» Meiosis »» mispairing »» pre-adaptation »» Recombination »» Substitution »» Translocation »» Population Genetics : Population Genetics and Formulae »» Mendel's Laws »» Epistasis »» Bottleneck »» Founder effect »» Persistence of functional gene duplicates »» Phyletic gradualism »» Diagrams & Tables: Biological variation »»

Alphabetic – items may be listed more than once under alternative names:
»»» Basic mechanisms of evolution »» Biological Evolution »» Beyond Darwin and Neo-Darwinism »» Bottleneck »» Conjugation »» Conserved & Consensus »» Deletion »» Duplication »» Epistasis »» formulae »» Founder effect »» Frameshift »» Gene flow »» Genetic drift »» genetics »» genome and proteome »» Horizontal Gene Transfer »» Important features of the genome and proteome »» Insertion »» Inversion »» Meiosis »» Mendel's Laws »» mispairing »» Missense Mutation »» modern synthesis »» Molecular Genetics »» Mutation »» Natural selection »» Non-disjunction »» Nonsense Mutation »» Persistence of functional gene duplicates »» Phyletic gradualism »» point mutation »» Population Genetics and Formulae »» proteome and genome »» Punctuated equilibria »» Recombination »» single nucleotide polymorphism »» SNP »» Speciation »» synthesis »» The modern synthesis »» Transduction »» Transformation »» transition »» Translocation »» transversion »»

»» Diagrams & Tables: Biological variation

Reference Articles

. . . evolving since 10/06/06